One family's homeschooling adventure begins...
This family learning site is a treasure trove of informative articles, mini unit studies, book and product reviews, educational resources, freebies, kids pages, and a library of links arranged by subject.
It is fun to homeschool. If you and your student aren't enjoying your curriculum while you learn, maybe it's time for a change. Free home school catalog, curriculum reviews, encouraging articles about home education from Christian perspective.
Piano lesson books and tapes for children, adults, seniors, beginner to advanced. Learn on your own or with a teacher. Easy Christmas Music. Play familiar songs right away!
Resources and articles for all educators with an emphasis on home school.
0-8 Home Education resources site with themes, activities, festival information, languages and much more. Also organisies a UK HomeEd camp and has a support list.
State-approved parent taught driver's ed course. Provides online lessons with audio, 3d driving videos, and step-by-step driving activities.
SCCCHE is a support group to homeschool families who are seeking to network with like-minded Christian families. We have 180+ families and have monthly meetings,mini-conferences, seminars, and have entertained renown speakers from across the nation
Successful Homeschooling provides information about homeschool statistics, benefits, disadvantages, laws, methods, curriculum and support. It also contains an extensive section on homeschooling preschool, complete with suggested games and activities.
Whether you are moving, transferring from a public school, or enrolling your child in school for the first time, we have THE extensive list of Christian schools in Texas. We are the ultimate Texas Christian school directory with home school resources
A site to encourage homeschooling families and provide information to build a healthy homeschool.
UnSchoolers Online is dedicated to providing detailed and helpful information on everything related to unschooling and homeschooling. You'll find local support group listings, news, articles, book recommendations, links, and more.
All FREE activities Northpole.com (today, commercial banner-free) offers free activities for families to share at home during the Holiday seasons. Elf Pal Academy, an animated classroom, offers over 80 different exercises that can easily be incorporated into
Genesis Software develops and sells quality educational software.If you are interested in home study, or you are preparing for a high school/college level examination, then perhaps our software can be beneficial.